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Electronic Bank Statement & Lockbox in SAP ERP


Electronic Bank Statement & Lockbox in SAP ERP: How is the lockbox file different from the electronic bank statement file?

By Lennart Ullmann and Claus Wild

Lennart Ullmann SAP Electronic Bank Statement

How is the lockbox file different from the electronic bank statement file?

The lockbox file contains the remittance information the customers have sent to the bank, for example amount and number by invoice. That level of payment information allows easy reconciliation and clearing of open items in SAP Accounts Receivable. It is normally used for check payments only.

Within the electronic bank statement file you can have various types of payment transactions. The remittance information in the electronic bank statement file is limited and provides you with the consolidated amount paid by the customer. It is possible to use only one of these services, or both in combination, depending on the company’s needs.

When using lockbox and electronic bank statement it is important to set up the posting rules in SAP correctly to avoid incorrect postings. The main lockbox program will debit the bank clearing account for accounts receivables and post a credit entry to the bank clearing account for incoming checks (lockbox). In a second posting area, the program will debit the bank clearing account for incoming checks and clear open items in the customer accounts. The remaining open items on the bank clearing account for accounts receivables will be cleared through the electronic bank statement. The electronic bank statement will debit the main bank account and credit the bank clearing account for accounts receivable.

Excerpt from Electronic Bank Statement & Lockbox in SAP ERP by Lennart Ullmann and Claus Wild.

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Reconciling SAP COPA to the General Ledger


Reconciling SAP CO-PA to the General Ledger

By Paul Ovigele

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Controlling 2013 Video - Future of SAP e-books

b2ap3_thumbnail_John-Martin-Video-Image.jpgIn this SAP Controlling 2013 interview, Jon Reed of Jon ERP and Martin Munzel of Espresso Tutorials discuss the future of SAP e-books.

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Most Common SAP Controlling Pitfalls by Martin Munzel


Martin Munzel








Our blog series on the most common SAP Controlling pitfalls and how to avoid them continues this week. SAP Controlling 2013 speaker Martin Munzel discusses the most common pitfall is from his perspective.


A common error I have found in companies using SAP CO is that they were trying to make some of the submodules do things they are not designed for.

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Controlling 2013 Speaker Profile: Jörg Siebert, SAP FI/CO Specialist and Co-founder of Espresso Tutorials

This week we are profiling Controlling 2013 speaker Jörg Siebert, SAP FI/CO Specialist and Co-founder of Espresso Tutorials.

How did you get your start with SAP and SAP Controlling? 

When I started my first real job in 1993, I worked for a small software company in Mannheim, Germany.  At that point of time, I had my first contact with business software.  Later on in 1999 when I joined Ernst & Young, the SAP world of Finance and Controlling became my main focus. From 2001 through 2011, I worked for SAP in Walldorf pushing forward with the newest inventions in Finance and Controlling.

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Controlling 2014 Speaker Profile: Martin Munzel, SAP CO/PS Specialist and Co-founder of Espresso Tutorials

Martin MunzelThis week we are profiling Martin Munzel, SAP CO/PS Specialist and co-founder of Espresso Tutorials. Learn more about Martin and his view on what is most important to his customers. 

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